Why the 4Ms Approach to Critical Care Improves Quality: Lessons From the Age-Friendly Health Systems Movement Norma J. Shoemaker Honorary Lecture Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN President The John A. Hartford Foundation New York, New York, USA |
Climate Change: Why Health Systems Matter Now Ake Grenvik Honorary Lecture Seema Gandhi, MD, MBBS Medical Director of Sustainability Clinical Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine University of California San Francisco San Francisco, California, USA |
Tissue Perfusion and Microcirculation in Shock Peter Safar Honorary Lecture Olfa Hamzaoui, MD Professor Medical ICU, Robert Debré Hospital University Hospitals of Reims Reims University Reims, France |
Remarkable Potential of Xenotransplantation Max Harry Weil Honorary Lecture Muhammad Mansoor Mohiuddin, MD/MBBS, DSc (Hon), FAST Professor of Surgery Director of the Cardiac Xenotransplantation Program University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
Advancing Health at the Speed of AI William C. Shoemaker Honorary Lecture Hoifung Poon, PhD General Manager Microsoft Health Futures Affiliated Faculty University of Washington Medical School Seattle, Washington, USA |