Quality & Patient Safety
Research Snapshot Theater: Quality and Patient Safety/Procedures, Adult and Pediatric
Bhavesh Patel, MD
Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Takunori Hozumi, MD
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Kenneth Catchpole, PhD
SmartState Endowed Chair
Clinical Practice and Human Factors, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, United States
Mark Mai, MD, MHS
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics & Clinical Informatic
Children's Hospital of Atlanta, United States
Naveen Muthu, MD
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, United States
Michelle Adu-Darko, MD
University of Virginia, United States
Vinay Nadkarni, MD, MS, FCCM (he/him/his)
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, CHOP
Media, Pennsylvania, United States
Akira Nishisaki, MD, MSCE (he/him/his)
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States