Emory University Department of Pediatrics
Dr Mihaela Alina Damian, MD, MPH, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, is the medical lead for the Solid Organ Transplantation in the PICU at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University. She have been involved in multiple research and quality improvement projects locally, nationally and internationally. She has extensive clinical expertise in the management of PALF, pediatric liver transplantation. In addition, she has collaborative research experience, as site PI, including studies related to ECMO use for patients with hematologic diseases and Stem Cell Transplant as well as the use of continuous renal replacement therapies for AKI, fluid overload and pediatric liver failure. She is an active member of multiple international liver transplantation groups. She is part of the Ethics Committee of the International Pediatric Transplant Association and the Co-Chair of the Quality Improvement section of the Starzl Network for excellence in Pediatric Transplantation. Her goal is to push the envelope and advance the care and knowledge for children receiving solid organ transplantation such as using ECMO as a bridge for liver transplantation or support in the immediate post operative care, reduce PICU stay and improve developmental outcomes after transplantation. One of her ultimate goals is to develop a PICU network that will focus on pediatric transplantation.
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Hepatopulmonary Syndrome in Children: What Does an Intensivist Need to Know?
Sunday, February 23, 2025
3:40pm – 3:50pm Eastern Time