University of Minnesota Medical Center
Jennifer Weinberg, MD, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School practicing primarily critical care medicine with some practice of academic emergency medicine at the Hennepin County Medical Center. She was trained in Internal Medicine and practiced in Tel Aviv, Israel until 2010 when she came to the U.S. and trained in emergency medicine at UCLA/Olive View LA County. Then, in 2016, she completed training in critical care medicine at Montefiore Medical Center, affiliated with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, NY. She is heavily involved with critical care education at the University of Minnesota, serving as Associate Program Director of the surgical critical care fellowship and spearheading several major insititutional education initiatives, including coordination of didactics for all critical care training programs (surgical, anesthesia, medicine, cardiac, and neuro-critical care), serving as instructor at state-wide NIH mechanical ventilation courses, and serving as director/instructor of several ultrasound courses. Her main areas of interest are critical care point of care ultrasound, mechanical ventilation, and airway. She practices meditation and other mindfulness practices regularly and actively promotes well-being amongst trainees.
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Critical Care Ultrasound: Adult (Saturday)
Saturday, February 22, 2025
6:00am – 5:30pm Eastern Time