Baystate Medical Center
Dr. Mark A. Tidswell trained in Research and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at UCSF and Stanford University. After fellowship he held faculty positions at UCSF, Brown University, Tufts University School of Medicine, and most recently as Professor of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School. Since 1999 he has practiced critical care and neurocritical care, taught numerous trainees, and carried out clinical research at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield MA. He held many roles at Baystate Medical Center that include starting and serving as program director of a critical care medicine fellowship training program which has trained over 40 fellows, initiation of intermediate care units, interim chief of the division of pulmonary and critical care medicine, Medical ICU director, FCCS instructor, Vice-Chair of the IRB, and Medical Director of the Human Research Protection Program. Dr. Tidswell is actively involved in clinical trials to evaluate novel therapies for ARDS and sepsis. He was a center co-PI in the NHLBI ARDS network and PETAL network during 2000-2023 and assisted with design and conduct of network multi-center clinical trials. Under his leadership, Baystate Medical Center continues to enroll in clinical trials sponsored by industry, and his knowledge and experience in clinical trials informs his consultation with industry on protocol design, service on data safety and monitoring boards, and successful implementation of clinical study protocols. He has more than 100 publications as author or collaborator and several book chapters, enjoys speaking at national and international conferences, and is enthusiastic in his involvement with SCCM.
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Combination of Endotoxin Activity and SOFA Defines Severity in Septic Shock
Sunday, February 23, 2025
9:45am – 10:45am Eastern Time