Baycare Health System
Rebecca Conley is a board ceretified Critical Care Pharmacist practicing at BayCare’s Virtual ICU located in St. Petersburg, FL. Rebecca graduated from Presbyterian College of Pharmacy in upstate South Carolina. She continued her development through a PGY1 residency at Spartanburg Medical Center, followed by a specialty year of critical care residency at Lakeland Medical Center here in Florida.
Rebecca consistently works to advance medical treatment for patients in critical care units by focusing on heightened ethical and evidence-based practice. Her enthusiasm for critical care has resulted in a number of noteworthy initiatives and programs, such as ICU Liberation, target temperature management, and improvements in pain and sedation management.
Rebecca is passionate about developing multidisciplinary teams and training diverse specialties. In the years to come, she hopes that her dedication to personal development, education, and patient care will contribute to the advancement of critical care medicine and pharmacy practice.