Piedmont Columbus Regional
Josh Chestnutt, PharmD, BCCCP, BCPS is a Critical Care Pharmacist in a mixed adult ICU at Piedmont Columbus Regonal Midtown in Columbus, GA. While serving in that role the past 10 years, Josh has also been the Residency Program Director for an ASHP accredited PGY2 Critical Care Program. While Piedmont Columbus Regional Midtown has maintained its status as a Level II regional trauma center, Josh has been involved with the expansion of services to include DNV designation as a Primary Stroke Plus Center and Georgia Department of Public Heatlh desiignation as a Gold Status Member in antibotic stewardship. Josh has advocated for the establiishment of consistent multidisciplinary rounds, titratable drip regulatory compliance, appropriate monitoring while pateints are on paralytics, light sedation, continuous renal replacement therapy, and early mobility with therapy services. In conjunction with students and residents at his site, Josh has pursued several areas of research, including expansion of critical care services, vancomycin utilization, and mulitple areas of stewardship related to pharmacotherapy. Understanding the importance of professional membership as well as the inabliity to accomplish something significant in critical care without a multidisciplinary effort, Josh has been an active member of SCCM throughout his tenure. With an interest in the role of social media in more rapid transmission of information, Josh has served on the Southeastern Chapter Social Media Committtee and is enjoying the innovation that the chapter is experiencing with the new X Critical Care Journal Club Discussion format that he leads. With a focus on educational innovation and mentoring, Josh hopes to become more involved on the national level with both the Clincal Pharmacy and Pharmocology Section as well as SCCM.