Intermountain Medical Center
Gabe Fontaine is the Clinical Pharmacy Manager of Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, and Telecritical Care at Intermountain Health. He is also Associate Professor of Critical Care Pharmacotherapy and Advanced Clinical Pharmacist in Neuroscience Critical Care. He is the Lead Clinical Neurosciences and Stroke Pharmacist for the 33-hospital system and Co-Chair of the Antithrombotic Task Force, the system-wide committee which standardizes anticoagulation tools to achieve the highest standards in anticoagulation management. He is active in multidisciplinary research within the Neurocritical Care Society and Society of Critical Care Medicine and holds committee appointments in both. Gabe is a Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine and the Neurocritical Care Society. He's published in a variety of critical care topics, most notably in pain, agitation, and delirium, thrombosis and hemostasis, and stroke. Gabe enjoys spending time with his family in the mountains around Salt Lake City – hiking, biking, and snowboarding.