Duke University Hospital
Caroline Ozment, MD is an associate professor of pediatric critical care and the medical director of neonatal and pediatric critical care at Duke University in Durham, NC. Her clinical and research interests include hemostasis and anticoagulation in pediatric patients, especially those recieving ECMO. She is currently the PI of an FDA funded R01 to examine the performance and safety characteristics of the Cardiohelp System (Getinge) for the first FDA clearance of a pediatric ECMO stystem. If cleared, this system will become a predicate device for future pediatric ECMO systems. In addition, this trial will examine the safety and efficacy of systemic anticooagulation with bivalirudin and heparin through a randomized controlled trial of anticoagulation in enrolled patients. Dr. Ozment also serves as the site PI for the ECSTATIC trial comparing platelet thresholds for pediatric patients on ECMO. Dr. Ozment is the co-chair of the international pediatric ECMO research group, PediECMO, which is part of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) and the Pediatric Acute Lung and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) network.
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Future Strategies for ECMO Anticoagulation
Monday, February 24, 2025
9:45am – 10:45am Eastern Time