Mayo Clinic Rochester
Mayo Clinic
Dr. Kirstin Kooda, PharmD, BCCCP, BCPS is a clinical pharmacist in the medical and surgical/trauma ICUs at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. She also serves as the ICU infectious disease stewardship pharmacist for all adult ICUs and the Emergency Department at Mayo Clinic. She is currently completing a Master's in Clinical and Translational Science through the Mayo Clinic Graduate School. Dr. Kooda is a member of the Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section Research and Communications subcommittees, and served on the STOP-VIRUS educational initiative through SCCM. Her research interests include antimicrobial optmiziation in critically ill patients, traumatic brain injury, atrial fibrillation, and sedation.
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Tailoring Antibiotics in Sepsis
Sunday, February 23, 2025
12:20pm – 12:35pm Eastern Time