Dr. Lauren Palestrini, PhD, Chief Sience Officer, Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium, where she serves as the lead technology officer within the medical product development activities, oversees the development of technology solutions that will meet industry commercialization targets, conducts initial technology assessments, and maintains adequate coverage of military clinical needs. She also leads all aspects of technology transfer and commercialization operations to ensure the sustainability of MTEC through revenue streams that include royalties from patents generated, venture and/or private equity investments, commercial test agreements and other income sources. Dr. Palestrini has recently passed all three levels of the CFA exams, earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University, and a Doctoral Degree in Biomedical Engineering from Stony Brook University. Her graduate work focused on the development of a biodegradable, electrospun fiber mat for the topical delivery of a novel fibronectin-derived peptide for the limitation of burn injury progression. Until recently, she served as the Director of Research at the New Jersey Center for Biomaterials at Rutgers University where she managed a cross-disciplinary set of research projects in support of the Department of Defense-funded Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM) cooperative agreement within regenerative medicine. In addition, her prior experience includes process development at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, research and development at Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products, and human resources at Deutsche Bank.
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C2I2 Roundtables: Funding 101: Understanding Nondilutive and Dilutive Funding Options
Saturday, February 22, 2025
9:00am – 9:45am Eastern Time
Panel Session: Tech Horizons: The Future of AI, Data Integration, and Big Data in Critical Care
Saturday, February 22, 2025
10:30am – 11:15am Eastern Time
C2I2 Roundtables: Bridging the Gap: From Lab to Market Through Tech Transfer
Saturday, February 22, 2025
11:30am – 12:15pm Eastern Time