Christopher Schott, MD, MS, RDMS, FACEP
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is indispensable in critical care. This session will introduce the new SCCM adult ultrasound guidelines focused update and teach POCUS image interpretation and pathology identification through an interactive format aimed at both well-versed and novice sonographers. Speakers will use the critical thinking framework to teach analysis of POCUS images with focus on: 1) identification of the ultrasound view from the acquired image, 2) appropriateness of the image with regard to technical specifications, 3) probe parameters to delineate what qualitative and quantitative parameters can be deduced given limitations of the view, 4) identification of artifacts (vs. anatomic structures or pathology), and 5) the pathology itself. In this interactive session, a systematic approach will be used to show a variety of common and uncommon POCUS findings. Attendees will participate, identifying the probe, window/view, key structures, image quality, ways to improve the image, artifact identification, and image interpretation.
View more information in SCCM's Critical Care Literature Guide.
AARTI SARWAL, MD, FCCM (she/her/hers) – Virginia Commonwealth University Health System
Sarah Bain, MD (she/her/hers) – Virginia Mason Medical Center
Diane McLaughlin, DNP, FNCS, FCCM (she/her/hers) – Barrow Neurological Institute