The Cleveland Clinic
Piyush Mathur MD,FCCM is a Staff Anesthesiologist and Critical Care physician at Cleveland Clinic,Ohio with more than 20 years of clinical experience.He is also the Quality Improvement Officer and Chair, Compliance Committee,Anesthesiology Institute,Cleveland Clinic. After completing his medical school training from Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC, Pune, India), he completed residency in Anesthesiology and fellowship in both, Critical Care and Quality at Cleveland Clinic. He is the past program director of the anesthesiology critical care fellowship program at Cleveland Clinic.
A recognized leader in critical care, quality, education and artificial intelligence applications in healthcare, he has led many of the local and national programs including serving as the chair of postgraduate education committee, coding and documentation education committee of the Society of Critical Care Medicine(SCCM).He is currently a member of CPT editorial advisory committee,AMA (American Medical Association).Trained in computer programming, machine learning and deep learning, he is the founder of BrainX, an AI in healthcare application research and development company.He also founded, one of the largest groups for machine learning in healthcare, BrainX Community.
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Ethical Use of AI for Research and Quality
Monday, February 24, 2025
12:30pm – 1:10pm Eastern Time
Future of Informatics and Data Management in Telecritical Care
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
12:30pm – 1:10pm Eastern Time